Branford Marsalis Videos

Here are a couple videos featuring Branford that we thought you might like to check out. We’ll be adding more to the list in the coming weeks. Feel free to email us (friends [at] marsalismusic [dot] com) any videos that you think should be on here too!

Channel / Date  
Description / Link  


 7Live ABC (2011)  

Branford Marsalis talks about falling in love with music, Jay Leno’s band, his iPod, and his new album.

 Programo do  Soares (2011)  

Branford and Joey are interviewed and perform on  Soares‘ television program in Brazil.



 UNC Chapel Hill Conversation (2012)

        Branford Marsalis sits down with UNC Chapel Hill’s Chancellor Holden Thorp to discuss his music, service to the community, and several other interesting topics prior to receiving an honorary degree.